Thursday, February 27, 2025

Where To Shop

                                                           Hello, My Cheap Cheetah Family

How is everybody today? I am trying to find cheap places to shop besides the regular thrift stores and Goodwill. Which I have found that thrift stores and Goodwill's have raised their prices almost like most other stores have. which is causing me to shop on the cheap at regular department stores. Anyway, J.C. Penny is my place to get cheap stuff I need. They had ten to twenty racks of clothes marked down at 70% off, but their 70% price was not my idea of what 70% off prices should be. So, I passed on it... A pair of sweatpants that were originally $50 bucks were marked down to $20. That was still too steep for a cheapskate like me. Their clearance racks used to have nice things for $10-15 dollars at most. The good part was that I got 3 pairs of shoes for $60 bucks, where the original cost of the shoes was $60 a piece. That was a good deal to me. Other than J.C. Penny, it is not the store it used to be when it comes to finding good cheap bargains for a cheapskate like me. what do you think?

 I was reading somewhere where Aldi's is the place to shop for inexpensive food items. which is true in some cases. I purchased milk there for $1.35 in the regular store, they want $3-4 for milk. Eggs are the same thing. Aldi's is cheap, it depends on what you need. Their meat department is not good in my opinion. But the basics like cheese, milk, bread, and things, their prices are pretty good. I felt good leaving a store with basic things I needed for only $25 bucks, compared to the $100 I normally would spend for the same things. Just my Cheap Cheetah Thoughts for Today.

                            Have a Great Cheap cheetah Day & Save that Money!





Saturday, February 15, 2025

Happy Belated Valentines Day

                                                           Hello Cheap Cheetah Family 

You know you can say I still love you after Valentine's Day with deals on candy and stuff that are now going on. I think they might be offering 25% off stuff. If you wait until Monday, you might get Valentine's Day stuff at 50-75% off. Not too many people are buying Valentine Day things anymore for their love ones. Why buy a box of $10 candy when you can get a pack of chicken and maybe a bag of rice for that same price and have a nice Valentine's Day dinner that will last you for two to three days. Am I right? Things are so expensive. Have you seen the price of eggs and milk lately? Forget eating meat that's now considered a luxury only for the people who have money. what is our country coming to.

I find myself shopping in places like Aldi's and Lidi's which are much cheaper on food and other items. They don't have much meat but it's ok. when I can get milk a gallon for 2.50 cents, I say I can buy my meats in other places.  Also, if you have extra money sitting around have you looked into Cd rates. They are not the best but if you have some extra money lying around and don't need it anytime soon Why not make a little bit of money off of it by sticking into a 3–7-month cd at a bank that gives rates of 45 or higher. Just a suggestion.

so how much did you spend for Valentine's day I hope that you let your cheapskate/frugal creative mind do something fun without breaking the bank to do it.

                          Have a great Cheap Cheetah Day & Save that Money!  

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

2025 Already!

                                                                Happy New Year Family!

 How is everybody doing. I can't lie I have fallen off the cheapskate wagon for 2024, But I will get back on it in 2025 for sure. Not much to tell has far as money saving tips and ideas. But I am sure in 2025 I will be giving you new things to think about. What about a new money challenge? Got any ideas? Or how about a declutter challenge since I know a lot of you have stuff to get rid of. What about a vacation challenge since we will need one in the warmer months. You tell me what challenge would you like to do for 2025? 

Just wanted to say have a Happy and Healthy 2025 and I will be speaking to you with some money tips and ideas in the future. Stay Safe and Save that money!

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Not Feeling it!

                                                   Hello my Cheap Cheetah Family

Happy Holidays. Hopefully your holidays are going great.  I am sorry to say I'm not feeling it so much this year. I can't wait until 2025 starts. That way money challenges are fresh and goal are starting. Do you have any 2025 goals this year. Mine are to downside I got a lot of junk to get rid of. Also, I need to get my money in order and stop playing lottery spending about $20 a month on something I am not winning. I need to lose at least 20 lbs. for 2025. So that's a goal but I am pushing myself to do it being a cheapskate. No fancy expensive diets or medication. Just the cheap way please.

 As far as gifts here's an idea instead of using the expensive 1800-flowers company. Yes I have used them in the pass. Sue me I was lazy back then. I made up my own gift baskets for the people I wanted to send stuff to. Beside 1800- flowers was going a cost me about $150 bucks so I did it myself cheaper. My baskets aren't as pretty has the vendors form 1800- flowers but the size of the items I sent in my gift packages are much bigger than what you would have got using them 1800- flower. And it cost me less money, did I mention that part.

Hope your spending the time making new money saving plans for 2025 and also ways to make it & have fun with it to. Will be speaking to you in the new year, be Safe Happy & Save that Money!

Sunday, December 1, 2024


                                                                    Hello My Family

Happy Holidays, Hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving. Me it was good, but the shopping was disappointing. Have you been into a Walmart lately? Well, it seems for the cheapskates  like me the prices have gone a bit. No more 10 oz coffee their brand for $3.99 now that coffee will cost you around $6 dollars and the size is smaller. Some would say go to family dollar or dollar tree to shop they are good for something, but I like Walmart for other things.

So, for the holidays this being Dec1th and the bills are rolling in along with the paycheck what are your 2025 saving goals. I know your saying it's too early to think about 2025 but is it really? I have already started think about what needs to be done. Like I need to stay on budget something I really can't seem to do, clean out all the junk in my house and try to put more money away by seeing who I can or what I can cut down on. It's a new year my Cheap Cheetah family and we get to start all over again when it comes to saving money. Got any ideas how you plan on doing it. Let me know I might want to join you in the same challenges that you're doing when it comes to Saving, Making and having Fun with money. 

                                    Have a great Cheap Cheetah Day & Save that Money!


Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Thanksgiving Already?

                                                         Hello, My Cheap Cheetah Family

Ok, so it's pretty close to Thanksgiving and I have started to look at these $25 dollar thanksgiving meal challenges on youtube. I just seen where Target stores are saying that for $20 dollars you can have a thanksgiving dinner for a family of 4. That's not too bad I say. Also, I think the food part of thanksgiving is overrated. I say spend time with family and have a simple meal like chicken or a pasta dish and just enjoy more family than food. I say this because a lot of families are not able to spend a lot of money on Thanksgiving let alone when it's not Thanksgiving. We should all be grateful that we have our health, family and a simple meal to share with each other on that day or any other day for that matter.

As far as money saving goes for the holiday let's enjoy the holidays and don't think about money to much. Because there's always 2025 to get ready to think of new ideas and ways to save, make and have fun with money. 

  From the Cheap Cheetah That's me have a great Thanksgiving be safe, happy and enjoy! 

Sunday, October 27, 2024

Reality Check

                                                                      Hello My Family

 Happy Sunday. Just a quick money tip for you. If you ever need a reality check of what not to do with your money or what to do with it. I would suggest you watch how lotter changed my life on YouTube  and also billionaires who live cheap. I found myself watching programs on YouTube of over spenders and under spenders just to get my thought process back of where and who I want to be when it comes to money.

You know the lotter winners or people who have come into a large sum of money and who has not had any money saving educations go out and spend money on crazy stuff like 4 houses when you only need on 10 cars when you can only drive 1, expensive furniture, trips treating everybody they can think of. It's crazy. like this video.

 Also you have the flip side like this one which I can more relate to. Granted I am not a billionaire but the principles are still the same for whatever amount you have. So, which one would you be if you had the money??

                                Have a great Cheap Cheetah Day & Save that Money!