Friday, October 11, 2024


                                                                         Hello Family 

Have you ever had that feeling of fear that you just can't shake. I have that feeling right now and it's that I won't have enough money to live on. I have saved all my life since I started working at 14 I saved my money. I have worked two jobs during the course of my work history for 5 years or more. One part-time and one full-time. My part-time jobs I saved the money and lived on my full-time job after I had them take out all the deductions for charity investments, saving. I came on with a low paycheck. Most of the time I had to ask my co- workers what we made because my checks were so little because of my deductions. Which I am glad I did.  Because now seeing my pension check from the city after 20 years of service and bulls**t isn't enough to live on even if it's in small town U.SA.

 My advice to you if you can save what you can and take advantage of all the government services and charities that offer the things you need like food services, medical services, transportation  services etc. If you need it don't be ashamed to use it. Your tax dollars have paid for it so why not see if there are services that would benefit your needs. I have looked into some, but I don't qualify but if I did, I would use them. Nothing like paying for services that you can't use, and we pay for them through our tax dollars. 

    Fear it's a motivator to make us all do better even a cheapskate like me!

                        Have a great Cheap Cheetah Day & Save that Money!


Sunday, September 22, 2024

Fall Is Here!!

                                                                           Hello Family

Happy fall. You know what that means spending money time. It's Halloween candies and costumes which means money, Thanksgiving big dinners and high food bills more money and the Christmas season meaning even more money spent with gift giving and party giving. Yes, this will be an expensive season for cheapskates/frugal people like us. That's where the saved coins, coupons and yard sales come int to play. Coupons and store opening offer discounts on the things that you need to purchase e for the holidays, coins saved is also for that reason and yard sales are for gift giving. You don't know how many yard sales I have been to this year that I have seen decorations cheap. I even purchased a few gifts myself to give away that were new and pretty cheap.

You just have to be creative and think outside the box. I know inflation and the high cost of everything is killing us. But think smaller and more thoughtfulness and less expensive.

                          Well that's a cheapcheetah two cents for today. 

                                     Happy Fall & Save that Money


Tuesday, September 17, 2024

How Much Is Fun?

                                                        Hello My Cheap Cheetah Family

How much does fun cost? Being a cheapskate, it cost me a lot this past week. I went to Atlantic City to gamble then visit family. We ended the trip in Cape May. The Hard Rock Hotel &Casino in Atlantic city for 3 nights cost me $70 bucks. The food and mics tips  cost me $150 for two people for the stay at the casino. Transporation getting there and going home cost me $120 that's bridge tolls and gas. Family dinners cost $100. Cape May buying sweets treats cost me about $20 bucks. So, all that adds up to money, but it was well spent because I did it with family and I had fun. Sometimes being a cheapskate/frugal person  is not worth it if it interferes with your family and fun life. What do you think? Oh, yea I made my money back gambling plus extra.

                            Have A Great Cheap Cheetah Week & Save That Money!


Sunday, September 1, 2024

Happy Holiday

                                                                     Hello Family

It's the holiday weekends and back to school time. Being a cheapskate/frugal person did you think about where are you getting the money for the kids and school this year. Here's some ideas that might help you.

1 The coins that you've been saving might not be much but every bit helps when it comes o getting back to school supplies.

2. Take advantage of the sales and going out of  business that stores offer.

3. See what you can use from last year this year for your kids. When it comes to back to school stuff.

4 Yard sales and flea markets are your friends. I've seen tons of school supplies for dirt cheap at these events.

5. See if your community or church/organizations are giving back to school item to the community

6.  Swap with friends and family who have older children or the same age children going back to school has yours for clothing and school supplies.

7. If the child is old enough see if they can't get a part-time job to buy their own supplies they need for school.

8. Shop Thrift Stores: Thrift stores and consignment shops can have great finds, especially for things like backpacks and pencil cases.

9Ask About Student Discounts: Some retailers offer student discounts or special promotions for back-to-school shopping. It’s worth asking!

10 Use a Cash-Back Credit Card: If you use a credit card, choose one that offers cash-back rewards for purchases. This can give you a little extra savings. Has Your Last Resort 

                                 Have A great Cheap Cheetah Week &  Save that $$$


Sunday, August 25, 2024

Cheapskates & Inflation

                                                    Hello My Cheap Cheetah Family

Happy Sunday today.  We are talking about basic saving tips on how a cheapskate/frugal person can deal with inflation. Share your ideas and tips right here with me on The Cheap Cheetah Money Show 


Have A Great Cheap Cheetah Day & Save That $$$

Saturday, August 24, 2024


                                                                          Hello Family

 How does a cheapskate/frugal person prepare for unexpected bills? Bills that you never knew were coming. I got an energy bill yesterday that was $657.00. that was very unexpected. Being a cheapskate who already lives in an expensive place like New York. I went on the level budget billing plan with my energy bill. Which means every month I know what my bill will be so I can budget according. Until this bill came yesterday. The energy company says that They made an error, so I have to pay them an extra $657.00. This not only pissed me off it made ne depressed. I hate spending money. 

So, what do you do with unexpected bills. First if you can save extra money somewhere for the unexpected. If you can. You can also call the company you owe to see if they can work with you in lowing your payment. If you can charge the payment and pay off the credit card as soon as possible. At least by charging it gives you room to make smaller payments on the bill. Call to find out if you really owe the bill some companied do make mistakes you know. See if you can cut back in other areas just this once to pay the bill and it all depends on how much the bill is. Sell some stuff if you have it or pawn shop it until to get the money you need.

       These are just a few basic suggestions for you when you have unexpected bills to pay

                                       Have A great Cheap Cheetah Day & Save That Money!


Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Horror Or Reality Check??

                                                                          Hello Family

How are you today. Well I have a retirement story to  share with you today. You decide if it's a horror story or a reality check. Share your cheapskate/frugal  retirement stories with me right here. Love to hear them.


                                        Have a Great Cheap Cheetah Day & Save That $$$$