Hello FamilyHappy Pre-Thanksgiving. I can't believe that's thanksgiving coming up so soon. To be truthful I am not even ready for it. Last time I paid the club price of walking out of a grocery store it cost me $130.00. Just for the basic food items. It has gotten so that amount is not shocking me like it normally would. It's like the norm now for groceries. I am afraid I might be losing my cheapskate ways because of the crazy prices that I am forced to spend just to live a life that's not even luxury.
As much as I try and be a cheapskate it's getting harder and harder to save that dollar. Espically, if you want to enjoy your life while you still can. I find myself saying forget it and buying what I want without thinking about the price. Even thought I have medical bills to think about paying among other bills. I am sorry this has became a rant instead of me sharing my cheapskate ways. I get like this over the holidays. Where I throw money cautions out the window and just spend a little more then I should. Do you get like that sometimes?
Oh well I just want to say happy Thanksgiving, be blessed safe and enjoy the day
Have a great Cheap Cheetah Day!