Thursday, February 27, 2025

Where To Shop

                                                           Hello, My Cheap Cheetah Family

How is everybody today? I am trying to find cheap places to shop besides the regular thrift stores and Goodwill. Which I have found that thrift stores and Goodwill's have raised their prices almost like most other stores have. which is causing me to shop on the cheap at regular department stores. Anyway, J.C. Penny is my place to get cheap stuff I need. They had ten to twenty racks of clothes marked down at 70% off, but their 70% price was not my idea of what 70% off prices should be. So, I passed on it... A pair of sweatpants that were originally $50 bucks were marked down to $20. That was still too steep for a cheapskate like me. Their clearance racks used to have nice things for $10-15 dollars at most. The good part was that I got 3 pairs of shoes for $60 bucks, where the original cost of the shoes was $60 a piece. That was a good deal to me. Other than J.C. Penny, it is not the store it used to be when it comes to finding good cheap bargains for a cheapskate like me. what do you think?

 I was reading somewhere where Aldi's is the place to shop for inexpensive food items. which is true in some cases. I purchased milk there for $1.35 in the regular store, they want $3-4 for milk. Eggs are the same thing. Aldi's is cheap, it depends on what you need. Their meat department is not good in my opinion. But the basics like cheese, milk, bread, and things, their prices are pretty good. I felt good leaving a store with basic things I needed for only $25 bucks, compared to the $100 I normally would spend for the same things. Just my Cheap Cheetah Thoughts for Today.

                            Have a Great Cheap cheetah Day & Save that Money!





Saturday, February 15, 2025

Happy Belated Valentines Day

                                                           Hello Cheap Cheetah Family 

You know you can say I still love you after Valentine's Day with deals on candy and stuff that are now going on. I think they might be offering 25% off stuff. If you wait until Monday, you might get Valentine's Day stuff at 50-75% off. Not too many people are buying Valentine Day things anymore for their love ones. Why buy a box of $10 candy when you can get a pack of chicken and maybe a bag of rice for that same price and have a nice Valentine's Day dinner that will last you for two to three days. Am I right? Things are so expensive. Have you seen the price of eggs and milk lately? Forget eating meat that's now considered a luxury only for the people who have money. what is our country coming to.

I find myself shopping in places like Aldi's and Lidi's which are much cheaper on food and other items. They don't have much meat but it's ok. when I can get milk a gallon for 2.50 cents, I say I can buy my meats in other places.  Also, if you have extra money sitting around have you looked into Cd rates. They are not the best but if you have some extra money lying around and don't need it anytime soon Why not make a little bit of money off of it by sticking into a 3–7-month cd at a bank that gives rates of 45 or higher. Just a suggestion.

so how much did you spend for Valentine's day I hope that you let your cheapskate/frugal creative mind do something fun without breaking the bank to do it.

                          Have a great Cheap Cheetah Day & Save that Money!