Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Con Artist & Their Games

Hello all Family In case you missed the Cheap cheetah Money Show On Blog Talk Radio today I talked I talked about scams that will try to take you away from your money. Con Artist, Rip off people. Some of the Con or scams that I talked about was

                                       Tech Support Con- This is  when you get a call from a representative from Microsoft telling you that they detected a virus in your computer and they need to help you get rid of it. But of course it will cost you a fee to do it.- Run or simple hand up your phone it's a con

                                     Faith Bases Dating Sites- These scams  have involved con artist that play on the people who happen to be looking for friendships and even more. The con lures you in with promises and that they believe in the same things you do, They are the same religion as you and they believe like you do. And once they know your hooked on them that's when  they start asking you for  money. First they want small amounts and then the request for money gets bigger. - Investigate the person you met on any dating site to see if they are who they say they are and still if they are true  still keep you money in your pocket.

These are just two of the con games that people play I have discussed more con games  on my show
 The show is on itunes and it's archived so you can listen to it anytime you want.

I am telling you this to be aware be because there are so many people out there who  will try and  con you out of your money it's not funny. Have A Great Cheap Cheetah Day!

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