Hello Family Today I am talking about the dollar a day Challenge for 2021 and ways to fund it.
Join me and let's talk $$$
Have A Great Cheap Cheetah Day & Save that $$$
Join me and let's talk $$$
Have A Great Cheap Cheetah Day & Save that $$$
Also It's Saturday and that means 50-60% off after holiday sales. So if you need to stock up for Next years now's the time to do it.
Have A Great Cheap Cheetah Week & Save that $$$
Have a Great Cheap Cheetah Week & Save that $$$
Just want to say Thank You for your comments and suggestion. I really appreciate it. Have a Safe & Happy Holiday & Save that Money!
Have a Great Cheap Cheetah Day
Hello Family. Young, Old this women's videos gets to the basic of eating good cheap. She also share with you how to make some quick cash. Love her videos and wanted to share with my family.
Have A Great Cheap Cheetah Day & Save that $$$$
Hello Family Happy Dec. I just did my $2 dollar Challenge results for November. I made $117, had 20 No spend days, Spent $20 on lotto got be in it to win it. Eating out was only $30. So I feeeeel Good. November was a great money moth for me as far as not spending $$. So how did you do for November? Bring On December's Challenge!!!
Have a Great Cheap Cheetah Day & Save that $$$$
Have A great Cheap Cheetah Day & Save that $$$
Hello Family. I am so hooked and mad at the same time. This family that lives in Kansas is showing us in their video how much store wast by throwing out their food. I was amazed at such a waste while people are going hungry each night. I am so glad this couple is saving and sharing as much as they can. I wished I lived near them I would be calling her up and even going with them. This is crazy. What do you think?
Have A Great Cheap Cheetah Day & Save that $$$
Happy Thanksgiving Family. Be safe and happy & save that money!
Have a Great Cheap Cheetah Day!
These are just my thoughts. I am watching so many news reports about the government fighting over giving people stimulus money. It's ridiculous. This is why I say yes we need the government for somethings but to depend on them for your mere existence is crazy. Waiting on them to make a decision people are facing eviction, hunger and no money for their basic needs.. That's why I say you can only depend on yourself for your existence and lively hood. Save, do without & make do.
Have A Great Cheap Cheetah Day & Save that $$$
I am a little late to the game but did you hear this? This app called Ibotta that gives you money back from certain items you purchase is giving you a free Thanksgiving Dinner. First you have to sign up for the app and then I am sure you might have to do other things before you get the Free Thanksgiving dinner. I do know that you have to go to Walmart buy the items that are listed and then Ibotta will give you your money back. I think the most is $20-28 dollars for the meal. That's great in my book a free meal. Or like some of the Youtuber that I have watched that has reviewed this Thanksgiving Dinner giveaway they say if you don't need it donate it. Good idea.
I don't belong to this app myself because it takes a minute for me to drive to Walmart but I might start using it in the future if they offer cash back on stuff I need and buy.
Have a Great Cheap Cheetah Day & Save that $$$
Bet you didn't know there are other ways to use a coffee filter besides using it for your coffee. If not then let me tell you how to use coffee filters right here https://anchor.fm/cheapcheetahmoneyshow. You will be surprised how many things you can do with a pack of coffee filters.
Have a Great Cheap Cheetah Day & Save that $$$$
Let's Talk Reuse, Recycle to save money. I am giving you some of my personal tips on how I reuse things. Also I am telling on myself. Join me and let's talk money.https://anchor.fm/cheapcheetahmoneyshow
Have A Great Cheap Cheetah Day & Save that $$$
Happy November. I was reading a story here it is https://www.cnbc.com/2017/12/29/man-who-went-from-broke-to-millionaire-reveals-pains-of-big-windfalls.html?__source=facebook%7Cmain&fbclid=IwAR2gKF77tQ1_tfpiCE9YMQ-zgwpG0r-J7TA2wejWv9zO5ieQDpUvHt16hSg. With this story I kept thinking If I won that kind of money what would I have done differently then he did. But like the old saying goes you can only be in your pocket not anybody else.
Have a Great Cheap Cheetah Day & Save that $$$
Hello Family...
For the month of Oct I had 19 no spend days. Made $300 in mystery shop & selling on line. Spend $30 playing lotto but wait there's more I spent over $100 in take out food. How did your month of challenges go?
Have A Great Cheap Cheetah Day & Save that $$$
I have notice that since the pandemic people have a new attitude about money. For one I am seeing that people are not spending as much as they use to. They have dropped that carefree attitude and started taking on that I want more bang for my buck attitude. 2nd the dollar store and family dollars are doing booming business because now you have videos that show you all the meals you can make from things found in the dollar stores. Hey I have learned a few cooking tricks myself with these videos.3rd people are learning to save more money and take their emergency funds more seriously. Especially since a lot of people are working less or not at all.
4th people are also learning that life is not always about a job. Since people are staying home more their priorities are more family orientated then work. 5th People are more stress now then every. If you go in to the supermarkets people want to fight, driving they want to fight, just walking the park they want to fight. We are turning into a very stressful nation. 6th the shopping carts in my regular supermarket are not even half as full as they use to be. 7th People are looking at their bills and deciding what's needs to be paid and what they can put off until a later time.
Yes our attitude has changed even mind. I am a cheapskate but I have been more careful then before with my spending became today and time you just never know when your really going to need that dollar that you have been holding on to.
Have A Great Cheap Cheetah Day & Save that $$$$
Happy Monday just offering you a book suggestion. Clark Howard Living Lean is a good book for us Cheapskates/Frugal Living people. He offer good suggestion on a variety of topics. Just so you know he's a frugal/cheapskates' just like us!
Have A Great Cheap Cheetah Day & Save that $$$
I am in love no not with a person but a place. Walmart. I love them. Why because do you see this 4 pack rolls of toilet paper for 68 cents? Also their prices are so good. It's a cheapskate paradise in there when it comes to stuff. I purchase frozen veggies packages for 35 cents. Loaf of wheat bread the family size for 88 cents. Milk half a gallon for $1.88. Pasta 40 cents a box. You see the point that I am getting to. If I would do a $20 food challenge. I could buy food from Walmart that would last me the week easily. I am also a dessert freak and my small pies were 50 cents. Which to me that was cheap compared to other pastries I have seen and purchased.
I love to get food cheap especially since everything else in my life is so expensive. Speaking of expensive. Today I am talking about Health Insurance and ways you can save on it right here.
Have A Great Cheap Cheetah Day & Save that $$$
Hello Family..
Can you really save money with coupons in todays times? That's the questions I will be answering today for you on The Cheap Cheetah Money Show. Join me and let's Talk Money this Sunday!
Have a Great Cheap Cheetah Day & Save that $$$
Happy October, You know what this mean right? It means Halloween, Thanksgiving, Holiday spending is coming real soon. Are you prepared for it? I 'am not but life goes on. So here's are some basic get started money tips.
1. Prepare a budget for the holiday. Only spend what you can really afford.
2. Look for discounts and clearance on food items & gifts.
3. Don't pass up the coupons if you can get a percentage off your items then go for it. Try to get the items that are marked down and then add the coupon with it. Makes it double the saving.
4. Make something or give plants they live longer and are cheaper.
5. There is no shame in telling people that I can not afford to give gifts this year. A lot of us will be saying the same thing . So you are not alone.
6 Your time and spending it with love ones is all the gifts that people want from you. That's what makes it special.
These are just some random suggestions on how to prepare for the holidays I will be giving more suggestions in the coming weeks.
Have a Great Cheap Cheetah Day & Save that $$$
Let's Take Advantage! What I mean is all these stores are going out of business and they are giving deep discounts on their stuff. So why not take advantage and only buy the stuff that you need with the deep discounts that are being offered. Gamestop, J.C. Penny, Forever21 are some of the stores that I heard are closing. Last time I was in J.C. Penny they had marked down their stuff plus gave you 50% off the mark down. I purchased $150.00 worth of stuff for $25 bucks. That's a Cheap Cheetah Win in my book!
The goal when it comes to buying stuff at a deep discounts is only purchase what you need and at the right price. Have the price in your mind how much your willing to pay for an item and discount that price in your head by 25%. That 's the price that you should pay for the item. If you can't get your price walk away. You probably didn't need it anyway.
Also you can take advantage and purchase holiday gifts for cheap with these store closing and marked down prices. If your giving gifts this year.
Have a Great Cheap Cheetah Day & Save that $$$
Have a Great Cheap Cheetah Day & Save that $$$
It's time to find out ways we can make money In this time of Crazy. I give you a few ideas mixed in with my personal thoughts and things that I do. Let's talk making money today on The Cheap Cheetah Money Show.
Happy Labor Day!
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Hello Family..Today starts the longest yard sale it runs from Kentucky to Alabama. I think Tennessee is the longest state. Now this is a yardsalers dream trip. You go through backwoods small towns with this yard sale. It has so much stuff that you go into yardsale overload. If you need it don't need it you will find it and buy it at this event. The reason I am telling you this is because of greed. I went to this event 5 years ago Hotel prices back then was $79 a night and I thought that was to expensive. Air Fare was $400 round trip, Car rental $160 and food and misc. for 5 days was $ 100. Now when I call the hotel to get prices for this event the hotel quoted me $1500 for 4 nights, Car rental was $250. Lord know how much food and other things might add up. See the greed. Because this event became so popular the prices in these small towns that hold the event has gone crazy. There use to be thousands of people attending this event every year and they were bring cold hard cash to spend. Not sure what this year will bring with the virus and all. But over all my advice to you is when things get good don't get greedy! Have a great Cheap Cheetah Day & Save that $$$$ https://coinqueensyardsale.ecrater.com/ |