Friday, May 6, 2022

Happy May

                                                                          Hello Family

Happy May this month we need to flex our saving muscles. This is the month that you set your budget to saving more spend less. How do we do that.? First you need to make a budget to see what you're spending your money on. Shelter, transportation, energy, food, medical expenses, clothing, debt. Once the budget is made now you know how much everything cost. (YouTube has a lot of videos of how to do a simple budget) Now the hard part how much are you making money wize. Are you making more or less than what your spending each month. Once you get your budget in order. Find creative ways to cut back. You don't need new clothes, name brand food, name brand stuff. Good old fashion basic stuff will do and they last longer and taste better.

I know our lives are all different from each other, but you can do this you can flex your saving muscles and start to find ways to save and cut back. So that you can fund your retirement, pay off your bills, go on a mini-vacation. Heck get the repairs done to your home you have been putting off because you did not have the money. I know I have been there and done it.

What I am doing right now is lowing my credit card purchase amounts. Finding out what I can use credit card  points for. Looking over my car and home insurance. Looking over all the bills that come into my house to see if I need it or can I cancel it to save money. I have  fear factor on my side. The fear of being old  hungry and homeless that's what keeps me motivated and  trying to save as much money as I can because you never know.

                                       Have A Great Cheap Cheetah Day & Save that $$$


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