Friday, October 11, 2024


                                                                         Hello Family 

Have you ever had that feeling of fear that you just can't shake. I have that feeling right now and it's that I won't have enough money to live on. I have saved all my life since I started working at 14 I saved my money. I have worked two jobs during the course of my work history for 5 years or more. One part-time and one full-time. My part-time jobs I saved the money and lived on my full-time job after I had them take out all the deductions for charity investments, saving. I came on with a low paycheck. Most of the time I had to ask my co- workers what we made because my checks were so little because of my deductions. Which I am glad I did.  Because now seeing my pension check from the city after 20 years of service and bulls**t isn't enough to live on even if it's in small town U.SA.

 My advice to you if you can save what you can and take advantage of all the government services and charities that offer the things you need like food services, medical services, transportation  services etc. If you need it don't be ashamed to use it. Your tax dollars have paid for it so why not see if there are services that would benefit your needs. I have looked into some, but I don't qualify but if I did, I would use them. Nothing like paying for services that you can't use, and we pay for them through our tax dollars. 

    Fear it's a motivator to make us all do better even a cheapskate like me!

                        Have a great Cheap Cheetah Day & Save that Money!


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