Monday, November 7, 2016

Stupid Spending

                                         Hey Cheap Cheetah Family.How Are You Today?

                             What stupid things did you used to spend money on?
I used to get my hair cut about every 5 weeks, so about 10 times a year, for $15 each time. About 10 years ago, I bought my own clipper for $15 and started doing it myself.

I spent money on laser hair removal. Yes $1000 but no more razors and no more waxing at a salon. I did a few areas.

I used to spend about $1330 a year in Starbucks before i go to work about 9 years ago. I then decided to start making my own coffee at home before I go to work (Folger's instant coffee). I saved about $800-$900 annually after switching. Works for me!

I spent too much on delivered pizza when the kids were young and I was working full time. It was so nice to just throw together a salad and open the door for dinner. I could've easily heated up frozen pizzas, they're equally unhealthy but a heck of a lot cheaper

Mind was spending $1400 in 3 months on losing lottery tickets. Now I only spend about $5 when the jackpot is to high to resist. Also I stop going to  my expensive hair dresser and found a cheaper one that does just as good a job as the expensive one and I go less then I did before.

So what's your stupid spending tale?  Have a great Cheap Cheetah Day!

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