Monday, February 22, 2016

A Millionaire

                             Is it no longer a big deal to be a millionaire?

 Good Morning FamilySome people feel that a millionaire isn't a millionaire any more. Because of decades of inflation, to live the lifestyle most people think of when they imagine "a MILLION DOLLARS!" now requires having 8-10 million of liquid assets in the bank. And of course not many ordinary people manage to achieve that. Having only a million or so sets you up for a comfortable retirement, but nothing more. Do you feel the same way. 
I for one would like to have million dollars just sitting around in my bank account, Because with that it would allow me to do what I wanted to do in life without the worries of not knowing how I am going to pay my bills. Yes a million does not go as far a yesteryear but it's still a nice piece of change to have.  Have A Great Cheap Cheetah Day!

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