Saturday, February 20, 2016

What's Your Saving Skill?

Good Afternoon Family How are you? So what's your Special Savings Skill.
Do you think that there are a set of saving skills that people should have in order to better be able to save money? Characteristics or skills  like
Being flexible
a little math sense goes a long way...
Attention to detail is also essential
Rationalization. The ability to rationalize goes a long way when you're trying to save money
I think memory comes into play If you can remember that the price of whatever is xx where you usually shop and it is xx cheaper somewhere else because it is on sale then you buy it. Honesty.
So what are your saving skills that you use in order for you to be a better saver?. Personally mine is Patience  I  have no Patience with anything else but waiting to buy  something so  that I  that will save money on it  then I have all the patience in the world. 
                  Have A Great Cheap Cheetah Week

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